Chinese Storytelling Researchdatabase
4 Masters of Chinese Storytelling

Xiyou ji (4)
西遊記 (4)

Journey to the West In one hundred days of storytelling
Performed by Dai Buzhang   (戴步章 )
11-04-2003 Yangzhou (揚州)
VCD Li Xin and Chen Wei ( 李新﹐陳偉)


The Immortal Zhen Yuan, the Master of the Wuzhuang Temple, returns to the temple and learns what has happened. He pursues and captures the Tang Priest and his disciples. Back in the temple he punishes them by flogging. But he cannot revive the holy tree.


Chinese Storytelling  |  說書  |  Kinesisk Historiefortælling  |  NIASPress  |  Library of Congress |